Natural Wholesale Dried Fruits From Their Own Soil
We harvest our products from their cultivated lands, and prepare these special dried fruits under hygienic conditions without compromising our understanding of quality. Because our understanding of quality puts "PEOPLE" first.
Always natural, always reliable.
Dried Figs
Yellow Lobed Figs Dried under the Aegean Sun
Dried Apricots
Organic Dried Apricots from Malatya
Dried Mulberries
Organic Mulberry Dried under Anatolian Sun
Dried Raisins
Dried raisins exported from Anatolia to all over the world.
Apricots Kernels
Apricots Kernels derived from Malatya Apricots
Pine Nuts
Pine Nuts derived from the cones of stone pines that can grow in the Mediterranean climate zone.
Aydın Chestnuts
Aydın chestnut which is known for its big size and can only grow in Aegean Region of Turkey
A gift from the fertile soils of Anatolia; Turkish pistachios also known as Green Gold
Hazelnut, one of the miraculous nuts from the earth.